Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The benefits of detoxing your body.

Good Morning Beauties :)
Finally it is an absolutely stunning day in Cape Town and the sun has decided the shine a bit. Unfortunately I am stuck at work behind my desk but I can see the sun showing itself.
Today I wanted to talk to you about the benefits of detoxing your body and why we should detox our bodies. We sometimes don't realise what junk we are putting into our bodies and what that junk does to our bodies.
Detoxing your body is the process of removing toxins from your body. This is one of the best ways to rid the body of unwanted toxins which can slow it down or make it unhealthy.
1. Physical Benefits:
Since the unwanted toxins store up in our major organs, detoxing will help these areas the most. The organs that are affected the most will start to work more effectively. Once your detox is complete you should start feeling lighter and have a lot more energy. Your bodies immune system will become stronger because you had gotten rid of the harsh toxins in your body. Detoxing not only helps the major organs in your body but it also helps clear your blood which will in turn help it circulate better. 
2.Mental Benefits:
Many of us did not know that the build up of toxins in our body can affect your brain functions. Yu may find that you are having trouble sleeping, you feel fatigued or you have trouble concentrating. Once you start the process of detoxing many of these issues may decrease and fall away. Your mind will become clearer and your brain functions will also become more efficient.
3. Clearer and Shinier skin: 
Detoxing your body not only makes you feel better but it can also make you look better. Getting rid of all the toxins can actually make your hair look shinier and clear up your skin.
4. Strengthen Immune system:
Once you have gotten rid of the toxins in your body your immune system will be strengthened and you will notice that you don't get sick as often. Your body will be able to fight off illness better because it is not contaminated with toxins.
Food that help you detox
I will just mention a few foods that I mostly eat when I feel I need to detox. There are so many other foods that aid in the detox process and they are great tasting.
1. Apples:
Apples contain many nutrients that are vital to the detoxing process. Apples contain fibre, vitamins and minerals. There all help with the detoxing process in your liver and other major organs in your body.

2. Almonds:
These are the best but source of Vitamin E. They also contain Fibre, Calcium, magnesium and protein that helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.

3. Avocados:
This fruit is packed with antioxidants. it lowers cholesterol and helps you lower your body weight and keep you healthier for longer.

4. Garlic:
Garlic boots the immune system as well as helping the liver. One amazing thing is you never have to worry about having to much garlic because your body never grows a resistance to it. Garlic plays as a natural antibiotic. It helps heal the body.

5. Green Tea:
Drinking Green Tea while detoxing helps because of all the antioxidants it contains. Green Tea is the least processed tea and that's why it contains all the antioxidants.

These are just a few benefits of detoxing. Many people have sworn by detoxing because of the way it makes you feel once your detox is finished. Once you realise how you feel after this could motivate you to live a healthier life style.