Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How to take care of your Makeup Brushes.

Good Afternoon lovelies :)

It has been absolutely freezing in Cape Town but I am loving this weather after a hot hot summer. I recently bought a 24 piece MAC brush set and I wanted to share with you how to take proper care of your brushes after you have used them. Makeup brushes are so important and I honestly don't know what I would do without them so here's how you can take care of them and make them last as long as possible.

1. Clean your brushes frequently to avoid bacteria: Washing your brushes often keeps them in better shape and makes them last longer. Brushes used with creams need to be washed shortly after use. If you leave it longer than a couple days it can be a pain to wash out when you finally do.

2. Stand your brushes upright or lay them flat: After you have washed your brushes it is best to lay them flat because this helps them retain there shape. Make sure that when they are drying you keep them out of direct sunlight to prevent breakage and fading.

3.Always reshape your brushes after you have washed them: Your brushes will dry to the shape they are left at wet. So you will want to shape them into the shape you expect while they are wet or damp.

4. Never blow dry or use direct sunlight to dry your brushes: This can cause permanent damage to your brushes which is what we don't want. If you don't have time then rather go for an alcohol based Brush cleaner because they have a much faster drying time compared to shampooing with water.

Brush Sets are so expensive its vitally important to take good care of the one you have so you don't end up buying a new one.

Have a Beautiful Tuesday afternoon Ladies

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

10 Beauty Tips and Tricks :)

Good Afternoon Lovelies :)

It has been a while since I have posted but I have 10 Beauty Tips and Tricks for you. These are the tips that I absolutely live and swear by. I am always looking for new and better beauty tips to live by and these are the few that I have really been sticking to lately.

Lets get started: 

1. If you have greasy hair like me then avoid directly conditioning the roots and condition from the eat down. This will help keep your hair looking clean, sleek and Smooth.

2. If you are going to be out all day and you are worrying about keeping the volume in your hair then avoid running your fingers through your hair. the oil from your hands can weight down your hair which will leave it looking flat and greasy at the end of the day.

3. If you don't have nail polish removed and you really need to remove old nail polish then apply clear nail polish over and wipe off. This will remove old nail polish.

4. Make sure that you change your Beauty routine from spring to summer months. Your skin needs less coverage during spring so switch form the heavy products to the lighter ones.

5. If you are planning on having a late night out and you want your eye shadow to stay on all night use concealer as a base on your eyelids. This will help the shadow stick for longer.

6. If you straighten your hair with a flat iron like I do, cause less heat damage by letting your hair air-dry before straightening. The less heat, the better.

7. If you have chipped nail polish and you are in a rush then add glitter on top to disguise the look of chipping.

8. Always hydrate your under-eye area with an eye cream to prevent puffiness and bags.

9. If you find you are too tired to wash off your make up make sure that you always keep makeup removing wipes at your night stand to prevent breakouts in the morning.

10. The best time to apply creams is after the shower because the skin has been de-oiled.

I hope you are all having a beautiful day no matter where you are and stay Beautiful
Love and Hugs

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Health: Benefits of Sweet Potatoe

Good Afternoon Lovelies

It has been ages since I have posted but I have been extremely busy. I will make sure I post at least twice a week. Anyway as you all know from my "New Years Resolutions" post I have decided to become more healthy. I did a whole bunch of research on different types of food and the healthier options.
I stopped eating normal potatoes and switched over to Sweet Potatoes. Did you know that normal potatoes contain 400 - 500 calories in one potatoes whereas a Sweet potatoe only has 100 - 112 calories in one potatoe. 

Here are more benefits of Sweet Potato:

1. They Contain Vitamin D. This is very important for the boosting of your immune system and your over all health throughout the year. Vitamin D plays a big role in your energy levels, moods,helps builds healthy bones,nerves,skin and teeth and it supports the thyroid gland.

2. Sweet Potatoes contain Iron which helps aid in giving us energy but iron also plays other rolls in our body, including the production of White and Red blood cells, resistance to stress and the metabolizing of protein in your body.

3. Sweet Potatoes are a good source of magnesium which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral.

4. Sweet Potatoes are naturally sweet tasting but there natural sugars are slowly released into the blood stream, which helps ensure that you have a balanced and regular source of energy.

5. They are high in potassium which helps regulate your heartbeat and nerve signals. Potassium also helps with relaxing muscle contractions, reduces swelling and protecting and controlling the activity of your kidneys.

There are just a few benefits of sweet potatoes and how they help regulate your bodily functions. I eat a sweet potatoe 3 times a day with each meal and I hardly ever have cravings for chocolate or sweets because of the natural sweet taste of the potatoe.

This is just one of the healthier foods that I love. I will be doing more blog posts on many more.
Enjoy and thanks for reading