Good Afternoon Lovelies :)
Its Monday and my 2 week holiday has officially come to an end. When my alarm clock went off at 6am this morning I literally had to force myself out of bed. I woke up feeling miserable as ever and all I could do was think about all the things I need to do once I get to work which made me feel even worse. So what I decided to do was totally change my train of thought to more positive thoughts and I reminded myself of all the things I should be thankful for.
Like my Job. I see so many people that are starting off 2014 jobless, stressing about money, stressing about bills and feeding their families. Jobs are honestly so hard to come by these days that we need to be grateful that we have a job regardless if we hate our boss or the job we do.
I am so thankful for my family. I get to go home to people that love me and people that I can sit with while eating dinner and chat about my day. Family is so important and a lot of people take that for granted. Some people don't have family. Their parents have passed on or they recently lost a partner. Even though we have our days where we want to kill each other and fight over the most petty things we still love each other and we have more good times than bad times. Appreciate your family because they are the people that love you and they never stop loving you.
I am thankful for my friends. I have such amazing supportive friends. No matter what I am going through, let it be good or bad and they are right there next to me helping me get through it. Appreciate your friends especially the ones that have never left your side no matter how bad or good the situation was.
I am thankful for the roof over my head. When I am on my way to work some mornings or even when Im on my way home from work I see people that are homeless and struggling and it literally breaks my heart and yes some people will come back and say that person did it to themselves ect ect but this is just how I feel. Its upsetting to see someone cold and homeless while I go home to my warm bed and a hot bath. So we need to be thankful that we have a place we can actually call home.
These are just some of the things that I am truly thankful for. What are you thankful for?