Thursday 2 January 2014

My New Years Resolutions

 Hello Beauties :)
I don't really make New Years Resolutions because I never seem to keep them but this year I decided to make a concerted effort to stick to any New Years Resolutions made.
So here are some of my resolutions.
# START GYMING: During the year I always start working out at home a little and then I get lazy and keep putting my workout off so today I dragged my brother and mom out of bed and we went to the closest gym and signed up for a gym contract. I will be gyming with my brother so that will give me more motivation.
#DRINK MORE WATER: Water has become my last choice when it comes to choosing something to drink so I have decided to start drinking as much water as I could. obviously I have started off slow with drinking water and I am going to try and drink more water than anything else.
#TRY NEW MAKEUP STYLES: 2013 has been a great year for me with regards to Makeup, gaining more clients and discovering what makeup suits me and getting into my routine but this year I want to try and experiment with new and more fun makeup styles.
#EAT BETTER: I have always been very health conscious but I have been with my mom a lot lately and we all know nothing beats moms cooking and the one thing that my mom makes that I just cannot say no to is her Roast Potatoes. So this year sorry mom but I have to eat less of your "Roasties" and move to healthier alternatives.
These are just a few of my New Years Resolutions... Do you have any?

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