Wednesday, 11 June 2014

A little inspiration can go along way.

Hello lovelies.
When I first started my blog I planned on just sticking to Health & Beauty but as time went on I decided to incorporate some inspirational posts and pictures in it as well. I have been blogging for about a year now and during this time I have seen so many people that just have such negative out looks on life. In all honestly I was like that at one stage as well. I think we all go through a rough patch some time in our lives and sometimes reading one picture with inspirational words or reading about how someone over came a struggle can actually give someone hope and make them feel less alone.
So if you feel like being inspiring here are just a few simple ways to inspire other and help others feel better.
1.Be a good example: People tend to watch what you doing more than they listen to what you say so be someone worth watching and eliminating.
2. Care about others: Take a genuine interest in people. People don't care about how much you know until they know you actually genuinely care about them and how they are feeling. be someone they can confide in.
3. Be encouraging: Everyone needs a bit of encouragement from time to time. When you support them and encourage them it helps them to see the best within themselves.
4. Surround yourself with things that inspire you like people, books or environments. If you stay inspired this will help you to carry on inspiring others.
5. Be Vulnerable: Always be willing to share your failures and successes. This will make it easier for others to relate to you. They will realise they are not the only ones who are going through the same challenges and that they can over come it.
6. Be a good communicator: Watch how you speak to people and watch what you say. being able to communicate properly will help you inspire people more and they will find you easy to approach and talk to.
Tell Stories: Share you personal life stories with other. People find it easier to open up to others that are willing to open up to them. It puts people at ease and they will fell more comfortable talking to you and they will trust you more.
I find it so much more rewarding when you help others. Even when its something so tiny, its huge for them. We all need to inspire and encourage one other instead of us bashing and bring one another down. I see so much of that and it is honestly heart breaking. Why would we want to hurt one another.
Some Inspiring quotes:
Have a Beautiful day where ever you are.
Love & Hugs


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