Monday 30 March 2015

10 Fashion Tricks & Tips

Good Morning Sunbeams
When it comes to fashion tips, it seems everyone has their own that they absolutely swear by. Some are useful and others not so much so here are just a few that I personally love and they actually work.
1.  Wash new jeans twice before taking them to the tailor. Jeans always shrink when they are washed. This saves you money and a trip to the tailor.
2. If you get an oil stain on your clothes. Sprinkle some baby powder on it and leave it overnight. When you wake, the stain will be gone.
3. If you get wax on a clothing item. Place wax paper over it and iron over it. The wax should stick right to the wax paper.
4. When you have stained a shirt, blot - do not rub. If you rub it will further ingrain the stain and make it harder to get out.
5. To stretch tight shoes, Fill 2 bags with water place them in the shoes and leave them to freeze over night. As the water freezers it will stretch the shoes.
6. Hang a shoe holder behind your bathroom door to keep, brushes, makeup and toiletries neat and accessible.
7. If you have a small closet never keep your shoes in chunky boxes. Line them up neatly next to one another and they will fit perfectly.
8. Are your pants a bit to tight? Let them air dry and stretch them by hand or use a hair dryer while they are damp.
9. Panty lines are not ok. All women should invest in nude and seamless underwear.
10. Lipstick stain? Use hairspray to remove it.
These are just a few tips and tricks ladies.
Have a Beautiful Day

Tuesday 12 August 2014

My Lipstick Obsession

 Good Morning Lovelies.
Today I wanted to talk about some of my favourite Lipsticks. These are just a few of the colours that I am loving at the moment.
My Current Favourite Lipsticks

1.Essence: All about cupcake:
This lipstick is perfect. It looks like a tinted lip balm more than a lipstick. Its a deep rosy pink,non-glittery and it has a stunning cupcake sent to it. If you suffer from fry lips this product would be perfect because of its creamy texture - it softens and moisterizes your lips. The colour does not last that long due to the creamy texture but for its price it is definitly worth it. This is one of my most "go to" lipsticks for what ever occasion. Its perfect for a casual day out or a night out on the town when you have bold makeup and you want a soft lip colour.
2.Revlon: Silver City Pink: 
I love this colour. It comes out as  a frosy pink and the texture is very consistent. It does have a shimmery texture which many people arent fond of but personally I love it. Revlon always makes excellent lipsticks. Once applied the Lipstick does stay on for some time before you have to apply it again. There is no smell from this lipstick which I think is great. I always add a lipgloss to bring out the pink in the lipstick.
3. Rimmel London New Moister: Oxford St Fushia:
This colour is a cool-toned bubblegum Pink. It has excellent consistancy and gives full coverage once applied. You only really need 1 or 2 swipes for full coverage. It lasts about 2 - 3 hours before you have to apply it again. For me it kind of stains my lips which I like but it is very easy to rake off. It has a slight frangrance which is actually quit pleasant but it does fade after it has been applied. This lipstick is very moisterizing which I like because my lips do tend to get dry very quickly so anyone that suffers from the same problem would really love this lipstick.
4. Yardley: Frosted Pink:
The texture of this Lipstick is very light and creamy. It has a glittery effect to it once it has been applied. It is quit pigmented but you have to reapply it after about 1 - 2 hours. It has excellent coverage one applied. It goes on quickly while giving abit of a shimmer. This isnt a colour I would wear if I was just running to the shop due to the glittery look it has but it is perfect for a night out. This Lipstick has a fruity smell which I have to say I love. There is nothing nicer than putting on Lip Balm or Lipstick with a fruity smell.

5. Nicka K. Cosmetics: Awake:
This lipstick has a Nude colour with extracts of glitter in it. The glitter that is in it is very light and not to much. When applied it is very creamy and thick. You do have to watch how much you apply because it is very easy to apply to much. Its very pigmented and once applied it last up to 3 - 4 hours. It has a fruity fragrance which is not to much. Its very light and you cant really smell it or notice it until you apply it. It does disappear once applied. This is one of my "go to" Lip sticks that I love for a natural look during the day.
These are just 5 of my favourite natural/pink lipsticks at the moment. I have endless amounts of Lipsticks that I want to do reviews on and endless amounts of Makeup that I actually need to try so that I can do reviews on them.
New Fashion Post will be coming soon.
Have a Beauiful Tuesday Darlings

Thursday 7 August 2014

Essence Maximum Definition Volume Mascara Review

Hello Darlings :)
I really need to start making more time for my blogging. I will admit that I have definetly been slacking but I am here with a new with a new beauty review.
Today I wanted to speak to you about a new mascara that I am absolutley loving at the moment which is the Essence Maximum Definition Mascara. I will admit that when it comes to Mascara I am very fussy. I prefer to only use a certain type of Mascara wand which most Mascaras dont have so when I saw Essense Mascara had the wand I was looking for I was quick to buy it.
As I said I absolutley love the wand. Its thin and has tiny brissels on it which makes it so easy to apply and not mess or smudge. It also helps seperate all your lashes which gives your eyelashes more volume.
The formula of this Mascara is just perfect. It is not to thick nor to runny. When you apply it to your lashes it gives you just the right amount.
If you are looking for definition and longer lashes this is definetly the Mascara to go for. It doesnt give a thick or falsh lashes look but it does give you a natural look which is great for your day to day makeup routine.
This Mascara is not waterproof yet it does not run when in the shower but it does easily come off without any struggle which I think most of us ladies are looking for in a Mascara.
I will be sticking with this Mascara until another one can impress me more.
I have been trying out quit a few Essense products and I have to say that almost every product of theirs has impressed me. They are affordable and always give excellent products. I would definetly recommend this Mascara. Some may like it others wont but at this moment I am loving it.
Pictures below:
Outcome after Mascara Applied - Long lashes

Essence Maximum Definition Mascara

The Wand

Have a Beautiful Thursday all no matter where you are in this world.
Love & Hugs

Wednesday 2 July 2014

The benefits of detoxing your body.

Good Morning Beauties :)
Finally it is an absolutely stunning day in Cape Town and the sun has decided the shine a bit. Unfortunately I am stuck at work behind my desk but I can see the sun showing itself.
Today I wanted to talk to you about the benefits of detoxing your body and why we should detox our bodies. We sometimes don't realise what junk we are putting into our bodies and what that junk does to our bodies.
Detoxing your body is the process of removing toxins from your body. This is one of the best ways to rid the body of unwanted toxins which can slow it down or make it unhealthy.
1. Physical Benefits:
Since the unwanted toxins store up in our major organs, detoxing will help these areas the most. The organs that are affected the most will start to work more effectively. Once your detox is complete you should start feeling lighter and have a lot more energy. Your bodies immune system will become stronger because you had gotten rid of the harsh toxins in your body. Detoxing not only helps the major organs in your body but it also helps clear your blood which will in turn help it circulate better. 
2.Mental Benefits:
Many of us did not know that the build up of toxins in our body can affect your brain functions. Yu may find that you are having trouble sleeping, you feel fatigued or you have trouble concentrating. Once you start the process of detoxing many of these issues may decrease and fall away. Your mind will become clearer and your brain functions will also become more efficient.
3. Clearer and Shinier skin: 
Detoxing your body not only makes you feel better but it can also make you look better. Getting rid of all the toxins can actually make your hair look shinier and clear up your skin.
4. Strengthen Immune system:
Once you have gotten rid of the toxins in your body your immune system will be strengthened and you will notice that you don't get sick as often. Your body will be able to fight off illness better because it is not contaminated with toxins.
Food that help you detox
I will just mention a few foods that I mostly eat when I feel I need to detox. There are so many other foods that aid in the detox process and they are great tasting.
1. Apples:
Apples contain many nutrients that are vital to the detoxing process. Apples contain fibre, vitamins and minerals. There all help with the detoxing process in your liver and other major organs in your body.

2. Almonds:
These are the best but source of Vitamin E. They also contain Fibre, Calcium, magnesium and protein that helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.

3. Avocados:
This fruit is packed with antioxidants. it lowers cholesterol and helps you lower your body weight and keep you healthier for longer.

4. Garlic:
Garlic boots the immune system as well as helping the liver. One amazing thing is you never have to worry about having to much garlic because your body never grows a resistance to it. Garlic plays as a natural antibiotic. It helps heal the body.

5. Green Tea:
Drinking Green Tea while detoxing helps because of all the antioxidants it contains. Green Tea is the least processed tea and that's why it contains all the antioxidants.

These are just a few benefits of detoxing. Many people have sworn by detoxing because of the way it makes you feel once your detox is finished. Once you realise how you feel after this could motivate you to live a healthier life style.


Monday 30 June 2014

My Favourite Fashion Must Haves

Hello Darlings
I hope everyone is well no matter where you are in this world. At the moment it is Winter and all I can say is that I am suffering. Winter has always been my least favourite season but just a few more months to get through and summer will be here.
Anyway I have never written a fashion post so I wanted to share with you some of my favourite pieces that I always make sure I have in my closet or with me wherever I go.
1. A Leather Jacket:
I absolutely love Leather Jackets. Personally I think they are so elegant, classy and timeless. You cannot go wrong when you add a leather jacket to almost any outfit you have put together. If you buy a good quality Leather Jacket they can last years without looking like they have been worn at all. It all depends on how you take care of them. If you are unable to afford the original there is nothing wrong with buying a knock off Leather jacket that looks just as good as an original one would.

 2. Plain Black Leggings:
A pair of black leggings has the ability to make you look absolutely stunning. The best thing about black leggings is that they can be paired with almost anything without it looking odd or out of place. One pair of leggings can be dressed up with a Leather jacket and pair of heels or it can be dressed down with a plain T-Shirt and pumps. They are so versatile

3. Plain Black Skinny Jeans:
There is nothing like a plain pair of black skinny Jeans. High waist or low rise but having a pair of plain black skinny jeans is a must in every closet. Just like leggings black jeans are so versatile. I love the way a decent pair of black jeans can fit the body. It can compliment your curves in the right way. Honestly there is nothing sexier than the way a girl looks in a pair of tight black skinny Jeans.

4. Plain Black Heels:
Always and I mean always make sure that you have at least one plain black pair of heels. A plain black pair of heels can be worn to an interview because we all know its never good to be two flashy with your clothes when you for an interview or they can be dressed up for a night out with the girls. When in doubt choose your plain black heels. You can never go wrong.

5. Gold Chain:
The moment you hear gold chain many people start to cringe but finding an elegant and classy gold chain could be the ultimate fashion accessory. Pairing a gold chain with a pair of black jeans and a stunning top can just make the whole outfit. An outfit is never complete without accessories.

6. Long sling Bag:
A long Sling bag is a must. Yes we all love our big bags because they can practically carry everything and anything and you never run out of space but sometimes your going out and you don't want to carry anything heavy. This is where the sling bag comes in handy. Its always big enough to carry the essentials like your purse, lip ice/Lip stick, sunnies, gum and a few extras, and if you think about it sometimes that's all us ladies really need sometimes.  Invest in a decent Long sling bag. You wont regret it.

7. Sunglasses:
I never leave my house without my sun glasses. Let it be winter or summer no matter what, my sun glasses will be in my hand bag. yes there has been the occasional time that I have left them at home and I felt like a part of me was missing but majority of the time they are with me. A stunning pair of sunglasses can make you look stunning and fashionable no matter what you wearing. Just one thing ladies please make sure you get sun glasses that actually fit your face and suit you. There is honestly nothing worse that wearing a pair of sunglasses that don't suit you.

8. Plain Jersey:
ladies invest in a plain black jersey. We all have those days where we really don't feel like dressing up but you also don't want to look like a complete slob when running to the shop or the mall and this is where a plain black jersey can never go wrong. Put on your plain Jersey with either your leggings or Jeans, hair up and your ready to go while still looking like you actually put thought into your outfit. You never know who you going to run into.

Ladies these are just a few of my favourite fashion must haves that I feel I always need. Yes I know there is a lot of black but personally I like black. its so easy to work with, pair with and it goes with absolutely everything and anything. I will be posting more about my favourite fashion pieces.
Stay Beautiful & Be Beautiful
Love & Hugs

Wednesday 11 June 2014

A little inspiration can go along way.

Hello lovelies.
When I first started my blog I planned on just sticking to Health & Beauty but as time went on I decided to incorporate some inspirational posts and pictures in it as well. I have been blogging for about a year now and during this time I have seen so many people that just have such negative out looks on life. In all honestly I was like that at one stage as well. I think we all go through a rough patch some time in our lives and sometimes reading one picture with inspirational words or reading about how someone over came a struggle can actually give someone hope and make them feel less alone.
So if you feel like being inspiring here are just a few simple ways to inspire other and help others feel better.
1.Be a good example: People tend to watch what you doing more than they listen to what you say so be someone worth watching and eliminating.
2. Care about others: Take a genuine interest in people. People don't care about how much you know until they know you actually genuinely care about them and how they are feeling. be someone they can confide in.
3. Be encouraging: Everyone needs a bit of encouragement from time to time. When you support them and encourage them it helps them to see the best within themselves.
4. Surround yourself with things that inspire you like people, books or environments. If you stay inspired this will help you to carry on inspiring others.
5. Be Vulnerable: Always be willing to share your failures and successes. This will make it easier for others to relate to you. They will realise they are not the only ones who are going through the same challenges and that they can over come it.
6. Be a good communicator: Watch how you speak to people and watch what you say. being able to communicate properly will help you inspire people more and they will find you easy to approach and talk to.
Tell Stories: Share you personal life stories with other. People find it easier to open up to others that are willing to open up to them. It puts people at ease and they will fell more comfortable talking to you and they will trust you more.
I find it so much more rewarding when you help others. Even when its something so tiny, its huge for them. We all need to inspire and encourage one other instead of us bashing and bring one another down. I see so much of that and it is honestly heart breaking. Why would we want to hurt one another.
Some Inspiring quotes:
Have a Beautiful day where ever you are.
Love & Hugs


Friday 16 May 2014

Face Oils

Hello Beauties :)
I hope everyone is doing well. I was recently in the pharmacy and I came across Face Oils. Now I have to admit that I have always been kind of sceptical about using facial oils because I already have oily skin and the last thing I want is excess oil on my skin that will cause breakouts but ever since using facial oils my skin has done the complete opposite. Its basically flourished.
 I have gone from breaking out regularly to hardly breaking out at all. I had quit a few blemishes on my face that where so dark and noticeable that I was always embarrassed to leave the house without makeup but it seems that the facial oil has helped the blemishes fade. My skin feels a lot smoother and hydrated and this is all from using Facial Oils.
People that have Oily skin should actually embrace face oils more because when the skin is stripped of oil or is not properly replenished with natural oils it continues to produce more oil so the best way to restore balance to oily skin is to use lightweight face oils that contain organic plant oils. By doing this the glands can slow down natural oil production because the skin is being replenished with natural oils that it needs to stay healthy and clear.
We not realise how crucial and essential fatty acids are in maintaining the hydration and nourishment of our skin and since our body cannot make them itself it is important that we get it from outside sources like facial oils.
The best time to apply facial oils is after the skin has been freshly washed or splashed with water. Once the facial oil has been applied it will hold the extra water on the skin and help the skin replenish itself.
The facial oils that I love the most are Argon Oil, Avocado Oil, camellia Oils. Remember that higher prices oils are less refined, processed and they are purer. Less expensive oils have additives and bleaching processes. So less processed means better quality and higher prices.
Me and my Momapoo in bed after applying out facial oils

Blemishes are less visible and acne breakout is less

Have a beautiful day lovelies.
