Friday 13 September 2013

My Current Skin Care Favourites :)

Hello Pretty Ladies :)
Since my previous post was about skin care I thought I would share with you some of my favourite skin care products that I use on a daily basis.
In the morning and evenings I wash my face with Garnier Even and Matte face wash. This product works perfectly for me because I have very sensitive skin. As I have said in previous posts I had skin problems in High School and I was left with minor scars. This face wash contains extracts of lemon which helps lighten any scars or blemishes.
After I have washed my face I use Garnier Even and Matte Toner. Each time I use it, it makes my skin feel softer and it helps with lightening my minor scaring.
After I have used toner I apply Nivea Beauty Radiant Boosting Moisturizer. I absolutley love this product. Its perfect for my skin, it rubs in really well and it gives my skin a great boost. I have been using this product for about a month now and I have noticed that I actually use less foundation because it acts like a primer. It basically livens up dull looking skin.
I apply a Honey Face Mask once a week, it is suitable for any skin type. I apply the raw honey all over my face and leave it on for about 10 - 15 minutes. I remove it with warm water and then apply moisturizer. It acts as an anti-bacterial and Anti-fungal agent which helps speed up the healing process of acne. It soaks up impurities and helps detoxify your skin. It naturally cleans your skin and leaves it super soft.
Enjoy Ladies :)


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