Monday 11 November 2013

How to reduce the appearance of stretch marks naturally.

Good Evening Lovelies :)

So I had a few people asking for natural ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, so I did a little research and I wanted to share with you what I have found. 
I personally prefer and like the natural remedies apposed to anything else but we are all different.

So lets get started:

Potato Juice: Potato Juice contains vitamins and minerals that help restore skin cells. What you need to do it cut a potato in half and rub the potato on the stretch marks, leave it to dry and after about 30min you can rinse it off with lukewarm water. You need to do this as often as possible to see a difference.

Sugar: Natural white sugar is a great home remedy to exfoliate your skin. Mix a table spoon of sugar, Almond oil and Lemon Juice and rub this on the stretch mark for 10 min daily before getting into the shower and this should slowly make the stretch marks lighter and lighter. 

Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is naturally acidic which helps heal, scars, acne and even stretch marks. Rub lemon juice into the stretch marks in a circular motion, leave for 10 min so that it can sink into your skin before rinsing it off.

Water: Keep your body well hydrated. This will help protect your skin from many problems. Well hydrated skin will help with detoxification of skin pores and this restores the elasticity which will help prevent stretch marks as well as getting rid of them. 

All of us ladies should try and drink 10 glasses of water a day to keep our skin hydrated and this will not only aid in preventing stretch marks but also flush our systems and keep out skin looking fresh and radiant. 

These are just a few that I really liked.
I hope this helps Ladies :)
Much love 
I hope everyone is having an amazing day no matter were you are!

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