Tuesday 5 November 2013

How to slowly reduce the appearance of Scars/Blemishes

Hello Muffins :)

Finally I have found some time to write a new post. I have been so busy lately I don't have much free time but I wanted to do a quick blog post on something that I think really does bother not only us girls but also some guys out there which is scaring on the face. May it be blemishes, acne scars or anything else it does play on our minds and makes us more self conscious when we are not wearing makeup. I know that I am very self conscious of my skin if I do not have makeup on because I do have some scaring and blemishes.

However, there is a natural way to slowly reduce these scars and blemishes naturally.

Use lemon Juice: This is a natural bleach and it will lighten the scars or blemishes on your skin

Rose-hip Seed Oil: This is a special kind of oil that is actually used in many cosmetics to reduce the appearance of scars. Just rub it into your skin for 15 min daily and you will slowly see a difference.

Ice Cube: Rub an Ice Cube on the scar for 15 minutes twice daily. I have to warn you though it can be quit painful.

Tea Tree Oil: Apply Tea Tree oil to the skin daily for 30 minutes and it will slowly diminish the scars and blemishes.

Potatoes: Potatoes are excellent for removing scars because they contain minerals like potassium and sulfur which held reduce scars.

The one home remedy that I use the most is using Lemon juice on my face. I find this works best for me and it helps even out skin tone so you have an even glow. All I do is apply lemon Juice to my skin for 15 minutes daily. I have started seeing slight results but the longer I do this I am sure I will see more results.

I hope all you lovelies are having an amazing day no matter where you are.
Love you all

Something nice for all you Beauties :)

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